
Molfetta, Puglia

Cosa è AuthenticPugliaTours?

Road trips in Puglia. Rentals, Maps, Accommodation and Experiences


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In dettaglio

AuthenticPugliaTours is a platform that offers road-trip packages (digital maps of road-trip itineraries + vehicle rental) to foreign tourists that want to visit Puglia on their own, freely, without intermediaries.

We have started this business considering Google Data on search volumes showing us that many foreign tourists visiting our region searched “map Puglia”, “Puglia itineraries”, “drive in Puglia” (with low competition) and so we got the idea to provide to our customers the right value proposition to satisfy their need in terms of selecting the best authentic road-trip itineraries, provide maps and vehicle rental.

The website offers a selection so far of around 40 road-trip itineraries (for weekends and weeks) and 20 vehicle rentals (cars, vintage cars, GT motorbikes, Vans, Campers, RV).

A great focus of our offer is to:

- select the best road-trip itineraries with the help of local guides and experts

- work with local rental companies and vintage vehicle owners that express the best of made in italy culture

Our mission is to become the first to mind on-line platform that provides and sells reliable and authentic road-trip itineraries in Puglia. Our vision is to provide authenticity, identity, originality, both in the selection of the itineraries and in the cooperation with local stakeholders

The above values are the essence of Puglia, its people, culture and tradition. We want to share these values with our customers and make them live once in a lifetime experiences in our land

Puglia is our first market where we have done tests and validation of the business model. It is important to stress the fact that our Business Model is completely scalable and repetitive and we don't hide our ambition to scale the business and offer the same value proposition at a National, European and Global scale

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